A Bull Named Technology

For the past 20 years we have been riding a bull and its name is Technology. I acknowledge we have been on this bull longer, but as the new millennium approached it felt as if the stall gate burst open, the lack of restraint launching us on an unsettled ride with thrills and risks we… Read more »


An Uncertain Journey

Imagine for a moment that you been taken on a journey and transported to an unfamiliar place. I use the terms taken and unfamiliar because the voyage was not optional, and the place, while similar to the one you left behind, feels both uncomfortable and foreign. The culture and methods of engagement are different. The… Read more »


The Fun-to-Misery Ratio

A member of my staff once said, “I work my eight hours so that I can go do what I really want to do.” I responded, “Really, I understand that we work eight-hours a day just to breakeven.” His response was memorable, “That is the most depressing thing I have ever heard.”


The Success Arc

Extended periods of unchallenged prosperity stunts the development of an individual’s leadership skills and their resilience. This stunted growth not only negatively impacts an individual’s long-term success, but the success of the organizations they serve.


Attention’s Nemesis

Where we focus our attention determines what we accomplish, and ultimately, who we become.

Attention directs our intent and concentrates our efforts. It sets our course, and therefore, determines our destination.
