Lessons in Smoke

Alaska has been on fire this summer. Flames have burned 2.5 million acres and the resulting smoke has engulfed the majority of the state’s population. The impact and losses were tragic for some, and disruptive for thousands, residents and tourists alike. But every situation carries with it an ability to educate if we pause and… Read more »


The DNA of Achievement

Technology is no longer a competitive differentiator, leadership is, entrepreneurial leadership to be precise. Given the continual impact that technology has on our lives and the promise of advancements that lay just over the horizon, this may appear a provocative statement.


The Differentiator – You!

Technology is not a competitive differentiator. Sure, in the short term it can make a difference but as a pillar for a competitive strategy it makes a poor crutch. If you doubt this, you only need look at the iPhone® for validation.


The Invitation of Uncertainty

Uncertainty invites ideas and ideas invite debate.

I once read that “when everything is uncertain anything is possible.” Stated another way, when everything is uncertain all ideas possess a spark of possibility.


Climb Out

It may be time to climb out of the well and look for a new place to dig! Often, when faced with a problem or a challenging period, we hunker-down and focus on details within the comfort zone of familiarity.


My Gritty Team

I have a gritty team and I am proud of it!

Recently Forbes highlighted “grit” as a key factor in success. The article states that, “According to psychologist Angela Duckworth, the secret to outstanding achievement isn’t talent. Instead, it’s a special blend of persistence and passion that she calls – grit.”
