Guns to Garden Tools
How does someone survive in South Sudan, where the most recent civil war is entering its fifth year? It is the world’s most failed state, where famine is raging and the refugee crisis is the biggest in Africa.
Read the article.Inspiration for Innovation
Inspiration for Innovation
How does someone survive in South Sudan, where the most recent civil war is entering its fifth year? It is the world’s most failed state, where famine is raging and the refugee crisis is the biggest in Africa.
Read the article.When I was a kid, I remember sitting in a large auditorium watching a speaker address a room full of people and thinking, Wow, what does it take to be so capable that you get the opportunity to stand on stage and share knowledge with so many people?
Read the article.When Alaskans travel “outside” (i.e, anywhere in the world that’s not Alaska), they are often hit with questions about ice road truckers, Deadliest Catch fishermen, the Iditarod, and, more recently, the melting polar ice caps and the Northwest Passage.
Read the article.Close your eyes and think back to high school. Do you remember how you felt as you were approaching graduation? If you are like many, you had a sense of accomplishment and excitement.
Read the post.The irony was not lost on my audience. A member of the group asked, gesturing at the wall behind me, “How does that make you feel?”
Read the post.I believe the core principles driving public media can make your business more successful. While it’s rare for business leaders to turn to an NGO for advice, think about this: A national study conducted in 2017 found that PBS and its member stations are rated #1 in public trust among nationally known institutions.
Read the article.Running an organization has never been easy, but today’s business leaders may face the most complex challenges in history. While trend analysis isn’t a perfect science, it may be the best tool we have to stay ahead of change.
Read the article.We need an owner’s manual for a new ocean: the Arctic. The owner’s manual is necessary and timely because this is an ocean like no other. It is becoming more accessible to shipping and exploitation (in both the good and bad sense of the word) due to a changing climate – but not changing climate… Read more »
Read the article.Since taking office as Mayor of Anchorage, I’ve consistently asked people to take me out past where I can see. I say that because if we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’re going to keep getting the same results.
Read the article.