Lead Like a Warrior

As an officer in the U.S. military for more than 30 years, and a corporate executive for more than 20 years, I’ve come to find there is a universal nature to the principles and practices that apply to achieving success as a leader. They are the same whether you’re on the battlefield or in the… Read more »

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Earning Resilience

Resilience is something we earn. Sometimes we earn it through hard work and intense efforts. Other times, we earn it through surrender and the release of some-thing that is no longer supportive personally or to our organization.

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A generation’s perspective – the lens through which they view their world, define their values and identify their expectations for the future – is formed and polished by their collective life experience. This being the case, it is not surprising there is such a profound disconnect between the values of many established leaders and the… Read more »

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A generation’s perspective – the lens through which they view their world, define their values and identify their expectations for the future – is formed and polished by their collective life experience. This being the case, it is not surprising there is such a profound disconnect between the values of many established leaders and the expectations… Read more »

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What’s “In the Box” and How To Get Out

Out of the box. Thinking, getting, being “out of the box” is a well-worn cliché. I’ve used it, and you probably have, too. But what is this box we’re all talking about? What’s in it, what keeps us in it, and why do we want so badly to get out of it

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Lead People, Not Projects

I needed to do something completely removed from my professional life. For 25 years I had focused intently on raising my children and building a career in public relations. Life was about balancing family and professional priorities.

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Leading from Within

Never in a million years did I dream I would start the first law school in Alaska. Not only am I the first person in my family to attend law school, I am also the first to attend a four-year university.

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The Marvels of Engineering and Leadership

At approximately 8:30 a.m., on Nov. 30, 2018, things got a bit shaky in Anchorage, Alaska. A massive 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit just 10 miles north of the city. More than 6,000 aftershocks would affect this area within weeks, many of which were calculated at a magnitude of 4 or higher.

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