I am a Whistleblower! You Should Be Also

We are all experiencing the largest personal and global crisis of our lifetime. In such times, we are given, because of the confinement and the precious commodity of time, the opportunity to reflect on what really matters in our own lives and in the lives of others.

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Mastering the Four Abilities of Exceptional Leadership

For a decade now, I have been coaching executives from different fields, countries and cultures, successful men and women between the ages of 35 and 65. Coaching has become my art of connection, and leadership growth my passion.

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Starting a Journey Toward Homeless Solutions

The scenery was bold and breathtaking. The snow-covered mountains surrounding the city of Anchorage, Alaska, could not have contrasted more from my warm Mediterranean hometown of Genoa, Italy. It was January 27, 2001, and I came to the United States as an intern at an Alaska architecture firm.

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Building to Withstand a Crisis

The world is in the midst of a global pandemic, and with my agency operating on overdrive I am finding strength in a country music song. Through long days, and tough decisions, I sing, “The house don’t fall when the bones are good.”

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Kindness: An Essential Leadership Skill

Kindness is often a forgotten leadership quality in business and in life. It has become commonplace for people to be scammed, property to be stolen and lies to be told. Work favors efficiency and results over problems and empathy.

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Analytics is for Everyone

I am a military math nerd. I read statistics textbooks and calculus primers for fun – and then go to work and blow things up.

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Pledging to Include

We live in a time of division. Indeed, there is even division over how divided we are (or aren’t). To me, the problem isn’t that we are divided – a vibrant marketplace of ideas is the source of a healthy society; rather, it is that we are not good at it. We meet difference with… Read more »

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Think Above And Lead

Leadership is emotional! There, I said it.It’s not something people want to talk about or even admit. But leadership, like life itself, is an emotional experience. As a leader, more responsibility brings more emotions into situations, and managing them is ultimately a significant factor of success.

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Think Above and Lead

Leadership is emotional! There, I said it.It’s not something people want to talk about or even admit. But leadership, like life itself, is an emotional experience. As a leader, more responsibility brings more emotions into situations, and managing them is ultimately a significant factor of success.

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