Attention’s Nemesis
Where we focus our attention determines what we accomplish, and ultimately, who we become.
Attention directs our intent and concentrates our efforts. It sets our course, and therefore, determines our destination.
Read the post.Inspiration for Innovation
Inspiration for Innovation
Where we focus our attention determines what we accomplish, and ultimately, who we become.
Attention directs our intent and concentrates our efforts. It sets our course, and therefore, determines our destination.
Read the post.I got the call from my mom a little before midnight. My dad had fallen — the untreated skin cancer on his face was bleeding profusely, and he’d lost so much blood he’d passed out.
Read the article.If you had told me 17 years ago when I came to work for Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC) that one day I’d be talking about how to create the world’s first indigenous-developed video game, I never would have believed you.
Read the article.Change has transformed financial markets in my lifetime. We have seen dramatic changes in the way people invest their money and how those investments are measured and constructed.
Read the article.Technology is not a competitive differentiator. Sure, in the short term it can make a difference but as a pillar for a competitive strategy it makes a poor crutch. If you doubt this, you only need look at the iPhone® for validation.
Read the post.What other campus can claim to be the birthplace of both the atomic bomb and the free speech movement? How many universities have elements tagged with their name? What other institution offers degrees in financial engineering and campanology?
Read the article.As I look at a world map, it’s easy for me to see why Alaska’s largest city once dubbed itself the ‘air crossroads of the world.’ Starting in the 1960s, as many as seven different international airlines stopped in Anchorage to refuel on their way back and forth to Asia.
Read the article.In the fall of 2017, the Anchorage Museum opened a new wing and a major new exhibition about Alaska. Major capital projects with complex public/private partnerships made the expansion possible
Read the article.How does someone survive in South Sudan, where the most recent civil war is entering its fifth year? It is the world’s most failed state, where famine is raging and the refugee crisis is the biggest in Africa.
Read the article.