The Psychology of Finance
Change has transformed financial markets in my lifetime. We have seen dramatic changes in the way people invest their money and how those investments are measured and constructed.
Read the article.Inspiration for Innovation
Inspiration for Innovation
Change has transformed financial markets in my lifetime. We have seen dramatic changes in the way people invest their money and how those investments are measured and constructed.
Read the article.Last year I found myself contracting for a client in a position I knew was too good to be true. The hours and pay were great, but the prospects for future projects weren’t, and there was zero security.
Read the article.We need an owner’s manual for a new ocean: the Arctic. The owner’s manual is necessary and timely because this is an ocean like no other. It is becoming more accessible to shipping and exploitation (in both the good and bad sense of the word) due to a changing climate – but not changing climate… Read more »
Read the article.Being an entrepreneur is all about passion and Kenny Burts is passionate about his company and his products! Being an entrepreneur is also about being able to overcome adversity and Kenny has had plenty of that. Finally, being an entrepreneur is about being an optimist and Kenny has always been that. Fascinating story I first… Read more »
Read the article.We often think of business success as a result of something big, something significant or something widely innovative. While that may be true for many organizations, significant business success is often a result of well executed little things. This paradox is highlighted in two different ways with small business: little things are often the biggest… Read more »
Read the article.Enterprise Risk Management. It is a not-so-sexy phrase too often bandied-about the upper echelons of management with little appreciation for the true meaning of the term, and quite frankly, little desire to pursue any comprehension beyond the ability to say “Yes! We do ERM!” While I’ve enjoyed many a Dilbert© cartoon on the subject,… Read more »
Read the article.As pioneers in emotion and creativity, marketing executives have utilized predominantly right-brain strategies with artful storytelling to enlighten and engage audiences. Throughout my 25 years in marketing, there has never been a question in my mind on the importance of this approach. Proof positive that emotional marketing is still a driving force are this year’s… Read more »
Read the article.I have never considered myself an innovator. In fact, as a young musician, I frequently found myself one step behind the curve when it came to creating the next cool sound. During the formative years of my professional career, I was constantly told there are very few new ideas and more regurgitation and repackaging of… Read more »
Read the article.I work for a 100-year-old water utility in Colorado. We are a public sector entity, meaning our employees are afforded additional constitutional protections. Our average employee tenure is more than 14 years, an average driven down by the number of retirements in recent years. For much of our history, we have operated like many other… Read more »
Read the article.