The Success Arc

Extended periods of unchallenged prosperity stunts the development of an individual’s leadership skills and their resilience. This stunted growth not only negatively impacts an individual’s long-term success, but the success of the organizations they serve.


Attention’s Nemesis

Where we focus our attention determines what we accomplish, and ultimately, who we become.

Attention directs our intent and concentrates our efforts. It sets our course, and therefore, determines our destination.


Our Relationship with Failure

I am beginning to understand my relationship with failure. That’s what it is, a relationship. More precisely, I can now say that I have come to understand that it is not failure that is so frightening; it is the fear of being judged that terrifies and intimidates.


The Differentiator – You!

Technology is not a competitive differentiator. Sure, in the short term it can make a difference but as a pillar for a competitive strategy it makes a poor crutch. If you doubt this, you only need look at the iPhone® for validation.



Close your eyes and think back to high school. Do you remember how you felt as you were approaching graduation? If you are like many, you had a sense of accomplishment and excitement.


The Pragmatic-Idealist

“I am a pragmatic-idealist.” This is the dichotomy of a tagline I use to describe my life/business philosophy. The result of a spontaneous response at a dinner party, this phrase has proven to be not only a catchy one-liner, but to my surprise it has become a core value, as well.
